This is not a free programme offered by Know Diabetes. However thousands have started this programme across NWL

Second Nature

Second Nature is a 12-week online lifestyle change programme that helps you build healthy habits and gain control over your diet.

The programme is delivered on a smartphone or tablet.

Second Nature

Second Nature is a 12-week behavioural change programme for people living with type 2 diabetes that's primarily delivered through a smartphone or tablet app.

Peer group support (an online group of 10 others similar to you)
Personalised health coaching from a registered dietitian or nutritionist

Tracking technology (smart weighing scales and a wearable activity tracker).

Daily educational articles and advice on exercise, sleep, nutrition, stress management, and positive psychology.

Programme inclusion criteria

 Anyone wanting to lose weight 

  Has access to a device that can access their app (smartphone, tablet or computer)

  18 years or older





How Its Works

Receive your healthbox
Unpack your recipe book, wearable activity tracker and app-connected smart scales.

Pick your start date
Begin whenever suits you. New groups start every Monday.

Download the app
Set up your personal tracking dashboard and get access to the Second Nature articles.

Meet your coach
Chat to your nutrition expert – they’re dedicated to you and your small support group

The Programme

Over the next 12 weeks, work together with your health coach to set and achieve realistic goals. You’ll get daily articles to guide you towards your goal. Your mentor will be on hand to answer questions and keep you accountable until your new habits become routine.

  • Learn to build balanced meals that keep you full
  • Increase your activity levels by tracking your steps with others
  • Tackle negative thought patterns and eat more mindfully
  • Learn to navigate setbacks, social situations and eating out

Second Nature Key Facts

 Online Heath Coaching

 Type 2 or Prevention

 Tailored 3 month programme

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